C E O & F O U N D E R

Jacob Ramage

I met and married my wife (Bethany) in 2017, and together we have two sons, Forrest and Graham. apart from spending time with family and friends, I enjoy playing music. I started out on guitar when I was younger, and I added in piano and bass as I have gotten older. I love technology, and I have always been quick to learn and apply it to everyday life. My passion is integrating technology into mundane processes and making them more efficient.

where did the name two doves come from?

in 2023, my wife and I heard from the lord that we were supposed to move our family from Meridian, MS to Mobile, AL. While it was a rollercoaster of ups and downs, the lord led me on a journey of finding true rest. After months of searching for a job, I still had no answers. Shortly after putting it in His hands, the next week I received 3 phone calls from potential clients. After the last phone call, I walked to the window and looked outside. I saw two doves sitting on our fence. After seeing this, of course we Googled the meaning of seeing two doves. We found this particular quote, “Finally, after sending a dove again, she found somewhere to land, and did not return. God shows Noah through the dove that his family had a future, and that his patience was going to be rewarded.”

To be honest, the thought of starting my own accounting firm had never crossed my mind. However, when he provided that confirmation, I knew I had to act on it. As of right now, two doves consists of only me. I believe that slow growth makes for a strong foundation, and a strong foundation makes for a large structure.